

Welcome to FreeSpiritSingles!

This is a dating service for unique individuals - those who are ethical and spiritual-minded people!.  Our website is unique as well.  It doesn't look like the usual cookie cutter website you have probably seen all over the Internet, with one page looking the same as all the other pages.  We have many features you won't find on even the big dating services.

One of our special features is a membership that gives you total privacy while connecting with people, called the Privacy Plus Membership – it’s a great membership for celebrities, executives, etc.  Another feature is a membership which provides much more exposure – for those who would really like to promote themselves and be easily seen by all the members.  One of its features is that you can choose people that you like, to be able to view your profile at the top of their searches.

Our goal is to help you find your dream guy or girl!


All of us at FreeSpiritSingles

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